Pre-A Level Programme

Our Pre A Level programme is ideal for students aged 15-16 whose entry level of English is B1/ IELTS 4.0 and who wish to lay the foundations for a rich educational experience in Year 12 and Y13. At Claremont they will thrive in a supportive and empowering environment.

Our expert staff develop a strong relationship with every student. This enables them to offer personal and professional guidance when the students choose their Year 12 subjects and, eventually, their university path. This exceptional care and attention enables more than 90% of Sixth Form leavers to access their first choice destination.

At a glance

  • Intensive Academic English towards B2 First (FCE) Cambridge accreditation. Taught in very small classes by EAL expert staff.
  • Development of learning skills and familiarisation with the school curriculum through bespoke Pre-A level classes in Humanities, Art, Music, Drama and Business. This widens the scope of options for A level and BTEC.
  • Mainstream classes in Mathematics, Science and Sport to facilitate full integration with the school community.
  • Access to our extensive co-curricular programme which includes activities around art, music, debating, ecology and sport to name a few, to allow students to add another dimension to their studies and thrive emotionally.
  • Integration within the school pastoral and wellbeing programme with daily contact with a form tutor, involvement in Academic House events, career guidance and easy access to the Learning Support team.
  • Support and guidance from the Director of Boarding and Boarding House Leads.

Read our brochure

This course equips students with the academic foundations needed to progress onto our A level or BTEC courses. It enables students to excel in their chosen university preparation programme and to take full advantage of the Claremont Sixth Form learning experience.

During the Pre-A Level programme, our expert staff develop a strong relationship with the students. This enables them to offer personal and professional guidance when the students choose their Year 12 subjects and, eventually, their university path.


GCSEs are not the main objective in this programme. However, when students demonstrate potential in specific subjects, opportunities to take GCSEs are offered.

Gaining an iGCSE in Mathematics is recommended as it is a requirement to enter a UK university. English is assessed through the world recognised Cambridge accreditations.
Decisions to sit GCSE exams are taken case by case, in collaboration with the students and are guided by the students’ university ambitions. B2 in English is needed to access A level and BTEC studies.

We also offer options for students to take exams in their mother tongue to validate their cultural and linguistic background, and prepare students for the challenges of sitting exams in the years ahead.