
Inspiring young minds is central to what we do at Claremont Pre-Prep. We adapt our curriculum to meet each student’s needs and reward all efforts. This dynamic approach sparks curiosity and nurtures both academic and life skills across seven key developmental areas.

We believe that reading unlocks knowledge, so we encourage our pupils’ passion for books and their enthusiasm to enjoy them, with fully-stocked libraries. Regular reading skills practice develops confident, independent readers. Specialist-led French, music and drama lessons complement a creative Outdoor Learning programme that makes full use of our 125-acre site and brings learning to life.

As recognised by Ofsted, our fully rounded learning approach boosts every child’s progress.

Inspiring young minds

Our dynamic and fun curriculum speaks to children’s natural curiosity and encourages them to take risks and ‘have a go’. Working alongside parents, we nurture positive attitudes to learning from the start, rewarding effort, thoughtfulness, kindness and manners. This inspires each child to become their best while accepting that mistakes are simply a part of the learning process.

Building the foundations

We focus on seven key areas of learning:

  • Communication and language
  • Personal, social and emotional development
  • Physical development
  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the world
  • Expressive arts and design

Our varied curriculum builds a strong academic base for each child through humanities, sciences, sports and creative arts.

Pre Prep Academic - Square 2

Outdoor discovery

With wellies always on standby, Claremont Pre-Prep teachers make full use of our facilities for memorable learning opportunities. Science in the Jubilee Garden, Art in the Peace Garden and reading sessions in the fields make Claremont an extraordinary place to learn.

Our Outdoor Learning curriculum goes way beyond a simple focus on nature. Measuring discoveries in the woods puts a new spin on maths lessons while investigating our Ice House brings history alive. There are always spontaneous opportunities to learn new things.

Creative expression

Creative self-expression builds confidence and self-esteem and at Claremont Pre-Prep, we believe that regular creative opportunities are essential for young students’ learning and development. Our light, airy art studio and wildlife-rich outdoor spaces inspire all kinds of exciting projects.

Performing arts play a key role in nurturing all-round personal growth, right through until Sixth Form.

By encouraging imagination, we see significant benefits in student wellbeing and our students learn to become themselves.

Finding joy in self-expression is one of the best ways for little children to develop confidence and self-belief. It takes a lot of courage to stand up and perform in front of an audience of your peers and the benefits we see are enormous. Our older children sing at local care homes and all of our Pre-Prep students participate in the annual Hastings Music Festival.


“Staff in Reception are knowledgeable about teaching across all areas of the early years foundation stage. Resources are used well, and children learn in a safe and nurturing environment, making excellent progress from their varying starting points”.

Ofsted, 2023