Progress & Wellbeing

At Claremont Pre-Prep, we want every child to flourish, so their personal wellbeing is vitally important to us – it makes for happier, healthier children who learn better. Kindness, empathy and regular awards for progress are important parts of Prep-School life.

Keeping parents up to date with their children’s progress helps newcomers settle quickly and everyone to make faster progress with their learning. We make sure that we grasp every opportunity to share and celebrate each child’s successes and take pride in positive and productive communication between school and home.

Claremont School - Nursery page

The happiness and wellbeing of every child is paramount. We are committed to providing high staff to child ratios ensuring individual attention and strong pastoral care. All of our nursery leaders are extremely well qualified and have a wealth of experience in caring for young children. They are well supported by a superb team of qualified practitioners, by our Nursery Management team and SENCO. Together, the full team works tirelessly to form a real bond with each child and good rapport with their family. Our aim is to get to know each child’s individual needs and create a stimulating, nurturing, inclusive environment.

Linking school with home

In our welcoming and inclusive Pre-Prep School, we do everything possible to help every child feel listened to. Our home-from-home environment always ensures someone is nearby to help if a child has any worries.

Experience has shown us that close cooperation with parents helps children settle into school life quickly and make swift classroom progress too. We pride ourselves on maintaining positive communication between home and school through our online portal, face-to-face meetings and the many regular events that parents are invited to.

There are plenty of opportunities for parents to keep up-to-date with their child’s progress, academically and personally, and celebrate their successes together.

Claremont School - Progress
Claremont School - Room to grow

Room to grow

Little children are extremely busy and always on the move. The light and spacious free-flow access of our Pre-Prep building and surrounding play areas gives them space to breathe and room to grow.

We also show what it means to be a caring and helpful citizen by involving them in regular fundraising projects. Working with age-appropriate materials and charities like Children in Need and Dom’s Food Mission provides valuable lessons and attainable goals. Claremont children feel confident and empowered to take action to help those less fortunate.

Celebrating success

We celebrate all accomplishments, big and small, to build a happy, dynamic learning community where every idea and contribution is valued. Our ‘Star of the Week’ awards and celebrations allow us to recognise progress and share successes. The children take great pride in being nominated as ‘Playground Friend’ or receiving the weekly ‘Kindness Cup’ for thoughtful behaviour.

We encourage and support each child to ‘live’ our school’s values, both in and outside the school and to become positive role models for others.

Claremont School - Celebrating Success
Claremont School - Rebecca Hurton Lead

Designated Safeguarding Lead

Rebecca Hurton is our Whole School Safeguarding Lead and the point of contact for all issues relating to student welfare and safeguarding at Claremont.