How To Apply

Experience Claremont School: Your Step-by-Step Admissions Guide

Joining Claremont is easy. Here’s how to get started:

Step 1 – Get in Touch

Contact our Admissions team directly or fill out our contact form below. We’ll answer your questions and arrange a visit for you. For those families who are abroad we will share a variety of materials about the school and arrange an online meeting with a Senior Leader to answer any questions you might have. If you’re interested in scholarships, don’t forget to read our Scholarships section.

Claremont School - Prep Site Drone

Step 2 – Visit Us

Tour the school during an Open Day or Open House Week, or schedule a private appointment. Meet a Senior Leader, staff and students on a typical school day.

Step 3 – Apply

The next step is to apply for a place at the school. This will involve completing our application form and the submission of recent school reports.

Claremont School - How to Apply
Claremont School - Taster Days

Step 4 – Taster Days

We want to ensure that we are the right fit for your child. There is no better way to experience life at Claremont first-hand than by attending a ‘Taster Day’. Immerse yourself in creative, sporting and academic activities alongside your peers.

Pre-Prep and Prep School (Reception to Year 8)

Children will have the opportunity to fully immerse themselves in the life of the school. We urge children to enjoy two full days at the school before making a final decision. As part of the Taster Day experience, children will take a CAT test in non exam conditions.

Senior School (Years 9-13)

Your child will have an interview with a Senior Leader as part of your taster day. Upon completion of a successful Taster Day and interview, an offer letter will be sent along with an application form.

Those students unable to attend the school for a taster day will be required to have an online interview with a Senior Leader at either the Prep or Senior Schools. International students are also expected to complete an English Language assessment.

Step 5 – Offer

Following successful completion of the steps above the school will send you an offer letter to join the Claremont community.

Step 6 – Registration

On receipt of a confirmation of offer, secure your child’s place by completing the necessary forms, and making registration and deposit payments.

Senior School (Year 9 – Year 13)

We will organise events during the Summer Term for all those joining Year 9 in the following September. These give students and parents a chance to meet with teachers in an informal setting before joining the School.

Claremont School - Sports Day May

What happens next?

After acceptance, a letter will be sent to parents confirming receipt of the acceptance form and deposit. We will then send you an Induction Information Pack to help you prepare for the start of your child’s learning journey at Claremont.

Depending on the section of the school your child will be joining, we will organise a number of events to help your child settle into the school. These include:

  • ‘Settling in’ visits prior to the date of entry to enable your child to familiarise themselves with their new surroundings.
  • Induction events for new Year 7s and 9s in the Summer term prior to joining
  • Extra Taster Days on a case-by-case basis

In their first weeks of term at Claremont all students will have an allocated ‘buddy’ to help them settle. You will also have the opportunity to meet with your child’s personal tutor.