Categories: Prep

MFL Speaking Exams

Pupils in Year 6-8  have started the Lent term with “gusto” and have all been taking part in French and Spanish speaking tests. This involves learning important skills to develop conversations in the language and also learning how to complete GCSE tasks, like describing a photo and role plays.

The testing of the speaking element of languages has been challenging since the pandemic began, with the GCSE speaking exam not even taking place last year.

Here at Claremont, we understand the importance of developing our speaking skills, we learn so much more than just language and the children also develop confidence and study skills too. It is also such an important part of their “Language Journey” and our idea of the “Language Passport” and linking up with culture outside of the classroom.

Madame Patel and I would like to congratulate all pupils on their efforts during the tests. We know this is not easy for some and can be a little daunting, but we hope you have learnt a lot from this more informal round of speaking tests and look forward to working on this more with you later in the year. We are very proud of you all!

Do not forget there is more fun and support to be had with all things MFL in our Friday French and Spanish Enrichments and the MFL surgery club on a Friday lunch time. Bravo!

Wishing you all a wonderful Lent term.

Madame / Señora Osborne – Head of Languages


Emily Pettit

Published by
Emily Pettit