The School Day

We believe very strongly that the family plays a vital part in a child’s upbringing. With the exception of Speech Day, Sports Day and trips to our study centre in France, there are no compulsory weekend commitments, as we believe this time is precious for children and parents to spend together.  We also aim to make life as easy as possible for working parents.  Children can be dropped off anytime between 8:00am and 8:30am and may stay at school until 6:00pm.  In order to facilitate communication between parents and staff, there are opportunities for discussions to take place at the beginning and end of each day.

A day in the life of Izzy and Eve…

Yay its Monday! We both look forward to seeing each other after a long weekend, especially because we are best friends.

The first thing we do is sign in with our form tutor. We are so lucky as our form room is home to all the schools pets, so we get to look after and feed them every day!  After this, we go to our younger students’ classrooms to help out in the morning and get them ready to go to assembly. The form that we look after is Reception. We love seeing them throughout the whole week.

Then, we have assembly. We take our form groups to the O’Byrne Theatre, and sit with them and make sure that they are okay.  Our Monday morning assemblies are usually for announcements and awards.  We always love to sing a joyful hymn to start the day.  

After this it is straight off to lessons. Our first lesson is double English with Mrs Harper. After that we go down to the Sports Hall for P.E.  In P.E, we do a different sport every term, our favourite is badminton.

Once P.E is over, it is time for break! We love break because it’s a great time to catch up with other people who aren’t in our form!  We get a different snack every day, at break time.  Izzy’s favourite is rice cakes and Eve loves fruity pots!

After break we have music. We love music because we are allowed to play with the instruments and get really creative. It is lots of fun.

Next we have Spanish. We have only being learning Spanish for one year as it was only introduced to us in Year 7, but we love every segundo of it! We also think another main reason that we love Spanish, is because we have the craziest teacher ever, who always makes us laugh!

Soon after that its lunch, we have to say that’s probably our favourite part of the day. On Monday we normally have a pasta dish. Our chef is so good as he makes sure that everyone that has allergies, (especially Izzy), gets catered for so well. After we eat we relax with our friends.

After lunch, we have double maths with Mrs Edmunds. We love maths especially on Mondays because we have ‘Maths baking’ which is where one person from our form bakes cakes or cookies to share with the class. Whoever baked that week gets a Teacher’s Commendation (which is five positive points towards your House.) Our House is Athens.

After Maths we have our last lesson of the day, double Art.  We love having Art at the end of the day as it is a very relaxing lesson but also very fun.

Then it is home time, although if you get the bus or go to after-school prep, you go to tea, where you get even more delicious food.

Claremont School
Nursery & Prep

Ebdens Hill, Baldslow, St. Leonards-on-Sea
East Sussex, TN37 7PW
01424 751555

Claremont School
Senior and Sixth Form

Bodiam, Nr. Robertsbridge,
East Sussex, TN32 5UJ
01580 830396

Claremont School
Clyde House

Clyde Ho/258 Sedlescombe Road North,
St Leonards-on-sea TN37 7JL
01424 233000

Claremont School
Pyke House

Claremont Boarding House Upper Lake,
Battle, East Sussex, TN33 0AN
01424 775332

Claremont School
French Study Centre

La Maison Claremont,
14 rue de l'arbalete,
62500, St Omer

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    All School Open Day

    Saturday October 5th, 9am-12pm

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