The Student Council is so much more than moans and unrealistic wish lists. They are the true voice of the students here at Claremont and their main aim is to make Claremont an even better place!
Student Council Reps from Year 2 to Year 8 meet regularly to share pupil thoughts, ideas and questions about school life with Madame O. They also meet with Mr Bunker, Chef, other key staff and of course, this year they even met our local MP, along with the wonderful Eco Warriors.
These meetings and sharing of information and ideas are so important. Here are some examples of what has been achieved as a group this year.
A big highlight has been working with the Friends of Claremont School, who commissioned them to choose a charity for each year group to support.
Here are the Charities chosen:
Year 3 – Dom’s Food Mission
Year 4 – One Planet Matters and Kids in Mind Angling Adventures.
Year 5 – RNLI Hastings
Year 6 – St Michael’s Hospice
Year 7 – Cancer Research
Year 8 – Crisp Packet Project
It was a real honour to welcome Diane Barton from St Michael’s Hospice to the Student Council assembly in the Summer Term to accept our donation of £250. It is an incredible charity.
We are proud of our Student Council. Everyone has a voice!
Finally, I would like to personally thank my wonderful team of reps this year. They have been an inspiring group and I am so very proud of them. They will go far in life, I just know it!
Madame Osborne and the Student Council Team 2021/2022