This content hub is designed to give you lots of information about each of the GCSE Option Subjects and how best to go about choosing a combination that is right for you. But before you start to explore, we recommend you watch the following filmed Q&A session with Claire Martin and two of our current Year 9 students for some initial guidance on what you should consider before making your final decision.
The GCSE Subject Factfiles below will give you a quick snapshot of what to expect on each course. All Factfiles include a summary of what students will learn about, the knowledge and skills they will develop along the way and some helpful insights and tips from current students already studying each course at GCSE.
You will find that some of the GCSE Factfiles also include a short film prepared by the teachers. To view, just click the ‘Play’ icon on the Factfile, remembering to use the ‘Click to go back’ arrow next to your search bar, to return to this page.
Now it’s over to you!
The GCSE Academic Guide below provides more detailed information about each subject (including the core subjects, English Language, English Literature, Mathematics and Science), and what else you should consider when deciding which subjects are right for you. The most important thing is for you to choose subjects that you enjoy and that are right for you, and remember, we are always here to offer help and advice.
Please explore this page and make a note of your child’s options ahead of the Year 9 Options Evening on Tuesday 1st February, when you will have the opportunity to speak to all the teachers before you make your decision. Tutors will also be using PSHE time to explore students’ thoughts and choices and we hope to offer students a taster lesson in those GCSE options that they are considering but have not had a chance to try.
Final option choices will then need to be submitted by the end of the half term holiday (Sunday 21st February) via the Tutor Groups Google Classroom and Tutors will then review the choices with the students.