Cookie Policy

We inform you that this website, like most Internet sites, uses cookies to improve and optimize the user experience. Below you will find detailed information on what cookies are, what types of cookies this website uses, how to change your cookies settings, and what happens if you disable cookies.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a file that is downloaded in the user’s computer, smartphone or mobile device by the websites that you visit. Cookies allow the website to store and retrieve information about a user’s browsing habits or the equipment and, depending on the information they contain and the way you use your computer, they can be used to recognize the user.

What types of cookies are there?

Functional and technical cookies: they are strictly necessary for the provision of certain services expressly requested by the user, if these cookies are deactivated, the user will be unable to correctly receive our content or services.

Social cookies: they control the interaction with the buttons of social networks within the website. They are used in the domains “”, “”, “google. com” and “”.

Analysis cookies: these are cookies that are either processed by us or by third parties, they allow us to quantify the number of users and to measure and statistically analyze how users use the website. To do this, your browsing on our website is analyzed in order to improve the range of products or services that we offer.

Advertising cookies: these are those that, either processed by us or by third parties, allow us to manage the supply of advertising spaces on the website, adapting the content of the advertisement to the content of the service requested, to the use you make of our website, or to the information we have about your browsing habits on the Internet, such as which pages you usually visit, your interactions with the website or keywords, among others. These allow us to profile you in order to provide advertisements according to your interests.

Are there only cookies?

There may be websites that use other forms of storage similar to cookies but with more capacity, such as other forms of local storage of data on the customer’s computer, for example:

  • HTML5 LocalStorage and sessionStorage: Space that the website can use on the user’s computer. Normally by deleting the Browsing history they can be deleted.
  • Flash “Local Shared Objects” (Silverlight’s “isolated storage”): These are stored in the Microsoft folder where the user’s profile is located. You have to go into the folder and delete it. (Example: vimeo videos)
    These files are more intrusive than cookies, as they are more complicated to delete, store more information, and are independent of the browser used.

What happens if Cookies are disabled?

Not accepting cookies implies that we install a rejection Cookie on your computer, which informs us that you do not want cookies on subsequent visits.

Where is the data collected by cookies stored?

There may be third-party cookies that store data in countries outside the European Union. Some companies such as Google, Facebook, Twitter and others ensure that the American companies included comply with European data protection privacy policies.

In the case of other services, we check and take appropriate measures to ensure that the data processing complies with the applicable regulations.

Do we update our Cookies Policy?

We may update the Cookie Policy on our website, so we recommend that you review this policy each time you access our website in order to be properly informed about how and what we use cookies for.

How can you configure your Cookies?

From the banner that appears when you access the website, you have the possibility to exercise your right to block, delete and refuse the use of cookies. You can access our cookies configuration panel for the user in this link (INSERT LINK) and thus withdraw your consent

You can also modify your browser settings. For example:

Regarding the cookies used by Google Analytics and Google Audiencies, you have the possibility to disable them through the tool that Google has made available to users. You can obtain more information on this link.