In today’s rapidly changing world, where isolationism and anti-immigration sentiments seem to be on the rise, fostering an internationally minded perspective in our young people has never been more crucial. Borders may physically divide us, but the challenges we face – climate change, economic disparities, and social divisions—require a united response.
Encouraging our children to connect with the world and understand diverse cultures not only enriches their lives but also empowers them to contribute positively to society. The time has never been so critical for educational leaders to inspire the next generation to build bridges, not walls, as they navigate an increasingly interconnected globe. This article explores the importance of internationalism built into a child’s education and how we, at Claremont, are delivering it.
Developing Global Competence
The World Economic Forum (WEF) has highlighted the growing demand for skills that transcend borders, such as cultural awareness, resilience and creativity, and the ability to work effectively across diverse teams. In its Future of Jobs Report, the WEF emphasises that global competence—defined as the ability to interact effectively with people from different cultures—is crucial for the workforce of tomorrow. As businesses operate in increasingly international markets, employees must be able to navigate different cultural contexts and collaborate with colleagues, clients, and partners from around the world. Educational institutions that embrace internationalism help students develop these competencies, making them more competitive in the global job market.
Fostering Inclusivity and Diversity
Internationalism in education also plays a vital role in promoting inclusivity and diversity. When students are exposed to different cultures, languages, and perspectives, they are more likely to develop empathy, tolerance, and a deeper understanding of global issues. This exposure not only enriches their educational experience but also prepares them to contribute to a more inclusive and equitable society.
Enhancing Educational Quality through Collaboration
The European Commission advocates for international collaboration as a means to enhance the quality of education. Through our membership with the International Schools Partnership, with over 80 schools across 23 countries spanning 4 continents, we are uniquely positioned to make this happen for our students through individual exchange programs; international competitions or exhibitions; or class interaction on common objectives. These international collaborations expose students and educators to different perspectives and an exchange of ideas, ensuring that students receive an education that builds global competence.
Preparing Students for a Globalised Workforce
As the World Economic Forum notes, the future of work will be shaped by technological advancements and the globalisation of markets. To succeed in this environment, students need more than just technical skills—they need to be able to work with people from different cultural backgrounds, and have the ability to think critically about global challenges.
Claremont School, as part of International Schools Partnership, places global skills acquisition at the heart of its offering. Students are aware, evidence progress and are monitored in skills development. They are given opportunities, throughout the school day, to participate in activities to practise these skills that grow curious, confident minds and regularly celebrate their achievements.
Internationalism in education is not just important—for today’s society it is essential. By fostering global competence, promoting inclusivity and diversity and enhancing educational quality through collaboration, Claremont hopes to prepare students for a globalised workforce, equipping them with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in the future.