Sport starts early for Claremont students with our Pre-Prep students involved in a range of different sports. We teach key skills early on, such as throwing, catching, balance and coordination, so that by Year 3, our pupils are eager to keep learning and later to compete.
As their resilience develops, our Prep School pupils discover their own personal sporting passions. Lunchtime and after-school sports clubs provide lots of opportunities for pupils to spend even more time on what they love or to try something new in a welcoming environment.
Everyone is encouraged to participate fully in sporting life, with a broad range of sports on offer.. Our ‘core’ sports are Football, Hockey, Rugby and Cricket for the boys and Hockey, Football, Netball and Cricket for the girls. We play regular fixtures with a large number of local schools, with children often representing the school on a weekly basis.
The Prep School also has a vibrant swimming programme, taking advantage of our indoor pool at the Senior School site and taking part in regular training and Galas with local schools.